Email Signup Form WordPress Plugin: iContact, Interspire, MailChimp, GetResponse

Recently I was introduced to a WordPress plugin called “Optin Forms.” This WordPress plugin has 5 previously built and well designed opt-in forms that you can deploy in your WordPress site. Currently this plugin in compatible with aWeber, iContact, MailChimp, GetResponse, Mad Mimi, MyEmailProgram, and Interspire Email Marketer. If you use any of these services (including ours obviously).

Sometimes people find that WordPress doesn’t like advanced code like the optin form HTML code provided by many email marketing platforms. There are a variety of ways to embed the default form into your WordPress pages, posts, and widgets (try the Global Content Blocks plugin) but if you are looking for a shortcut to a well designed and attractive form this plugin could be good for you.

The Good of this Plugin:

The available forms to choose from are very attractive. They are well designed and one of them is likely to work with your color scheme. You can also change the fonts, colors, and of course text on any of the 5 predesigned forms making it very easy to adjust them to fit your needs.

The setup for this plugin is very easy. You have to indicate which email service provider you are using and then find a URL string from the form code of your provider. That is about it. When you are setting up the plugin it has very simple and clear instructions that includes pictures that walk you through everything.

It is easy to place the opt-in form anywhere in WordPress with the build in Shortcode. There is also an option to auto-insert the form at the bottom of every page or post. You can exclude specific posts/pages from this as well.

The Bad of this Plugin:

The plugin will only allow the two fields of Name and Email Address. This makes it very difficult to capture additional information that you may require for your contact list in order to segment future mailings.

The plugin is really designed to work in a full post/page space of 600 pixels wide or more. To try to put them on a sidebar really doesn’t work. Of the 5 form designs only one will really work at all on a sidebar. So while the shortcode can be placed anywhere this is really a plugin ideal to inserting the form at the bottom of pages and posts.

This plugin can only be executed for one form design connected to one contact list at any given time on one WordPress installation. You cannot have multiple forms connecting to different contact lists or different forms on different sections of the same site.

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