Send RSS Feeds Via Email
Last year we installed a new feature on our email program that makes it easier than ever for you to keep up to date with your email subscribers. If you are active in email marketing than we might assume you also keep a blog on your website. With this new tool you can automatically send new blog posts via email to your contact lists.
You can invite blog readers to subscribe to hourly, daily, or weekly digests of updates from your blog. Manage subscribers, email campaigns, and stats the same way you already do with MyEmailProgram. Configure an unlimited number of RSS Feeds and use powerful configuration options to determine, when, how often, and what to send to who.
RSS Feed content is inserted into a space of a normal email template. You design your email campaign and use the shortcode %%RSS_FEEDS%% to designate where the feed content will be inserted.
For Each RSS Campaign You Can Configure:
- Campaign Title
- Email Template
- RSS Feed URL
- Maximum Number of RSS feed items to include
- Mimimum Number of RSS feed items required to generate email
- If Subject line should be: Template Title, RSS Feed Title, Most Recent Feed Item Title
- If email should be sent only with New RSS feed items
- If full HTML Content should be included or designate maximum number of characters
- Sent From Name & Email
- Reply To Email
- Bounce Email
- Contact List(s) to sent to
- Sending Schedule
- To track Campaign with Google Analytics
When configuring the sending schedule you have the following options:
- Save as Draft: Emails will be saved as drafts and must be sent/scheduled manually
- Once: Set the date and time for the RSS Campaign to be sent
- Hourly: Determine if campaign should be sent every hour, every 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 or 12 hours.
- Daily: Determine the time of day for sending
- Weekly: Determine the day of week ad time for sending
- Monthly
RSS Campaign Stats: Stats work the same as Email Campaigns or Autoresponders in MyEmailProgram. RSS Campaigns have their own menu item under stats and display an overview, opens, links, bounces, etc.